Four Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium Benefits: The Vital Health Benefits


Magnesium is a vital mineral when it comes to the healthy functioning of your body, in fact it is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body.


It is essential for hundreds of metabolic processes and other important bodily functions, from producing energy to building important proteins like your DNA. Not only that, low levels of magnesium are linked to a number of health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's


However, despite its importance many adults are below the optimum magnesium level. The recommended daily amount of magnesium is 400-420 mg for women, and 320-360 mg for men. As your body doesn’t make magnesium by itself, you need to obtain this essential nutrient from your diet or through supplements.


The majority of people believe that the only way to take magnesium is through tablets, but that is no longer the case! Magnesium has been proven to actually be more readily absorbed into the body through the skin, rather than through digestion. Our Organic Magnesium Lotion provides 500mg of magnesium in just a grape sized amount of lotion!


Here are 4 important health benefits of magnesium that you can gain from adding magnesium lotion to your daily routine.


1 - Reduces Blood Pressure


Studies have shown that magnesium can work to actively reduce blood pressure levels. Medical reviews have shown that supplementing your diet with 410mg of magnesium, on a daily basis, can see a 3-4 mm Hg drop in systolic blood pressure, and a 2-3 mm Hg drop is diastolic blood pressure! These impressive figures were only shown to improve over time, and continual taking of magnesium supplements.


2 - Reduce Risk of Heart Disease


Many links have been made between those at an increased risk of heart disease, and those with low magnesium. This is likely because magnesium is used by the body to control functions such as blood sugar control and blood pressure - all risk factors for heart disease. Recent medical studies have shown that taking magnesium supplements had a particularly positive effect on lowering blood pressure and cholesterol with those suffering from type 2 diabetes.


3 - Benefit Blood Sugar Control


Following on from above, magnesium has been shown to play a crucial role in insulin and glucose metabolism. Insulin is an important hormone that works to regulate your blood sugar levels. Studies show that taking magnesium supplements helps to improve insulin control, especially in those people with diabetes. In fact, people with diabetes who took 300 mg of magnesium a day experienced significant reductions in post-meal blood sugar levels.


4 - Improves Migraines


Finally, low levels of magnesium have also been linked to improving migraines. Studies have shown that people who suffered from severe and frequent migraines, experienced up to 40% fewer migraines when they took a daily 600mg magnesium supplement. Although this is a high level dose, medical journals go on to say that up to 600mg of magnesium a day is safe for the body, and only works to make healthy and effective bodily functions.

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